Riddle Me This Batman...

The riddler is a DC comic book character first introduced all the way back in October 1948 in Detective Comics #140. Throughout continuities his personality, name, sexuality, and even color scheme/look have changed!

His first live action and non-comic appreance was in the 1966 Batman tv-show in the first episode 'Hi Diddle Riddle' played by Frank Gorshin. Later on during season 2 he was played by John Astin (Most well known for playing Gomez Addams in the 60's addams family tv show) They did however bring Gorshin back for season 3.

His first animated appearance was in Batman the animated series; 'If you're so smart, Why aren't you rich' the 40th produced + 41st aired episode.

His theatrical debut was in the 1966 film 'Batman: The Movie' where he is once again played by Frank Gorshin.

and last but not least his first ever videogame appreance wan in the 'Batman: The Animated Series' game from 1993 as a boss. (A side-scrolling action-adventure game published by Konami and released on the gameboy)

My personal connection and general interest only dates back to 2022 (unfortunately) because of the release of 'The Batman' where he was played by Paul Dano. As opinionated on that film as I am I still have a lot to thank it for, mostly for finally getting me into comics and the riddler. I remember going from likeing Dano's portrial of the Riddler to reading some of the comics and absoluetly dispising that version of his character. (ive grown to love him honestly, especially after reading 'The Riddler: Year One') But since then i have been utterly in love with the riddler as a character.

[Continuity] Changes

Like I mentioned in the intro many things have changed about The Riddler from his first apearance to now. Each new story, (i.e. Film, Tv show, comic, game) can complete recon/change a characters everything.

One of the most, non-design, changes to the Riddler, in my opinion, have been the changes to his name! In his first appearance his name was 'Edward Nigma'. The spelling has been alter to 'Nygma' in some comics. In Batman: Arkham Origins, The Riddler or Enigma's name is shown to be 'Edward Nashton' as well as in The Batman (2022). In 'The Riddler: One Bad Day' his last name was changed to 'Tierney'.

In a few comic-runs The Riddler is given a daughter. In several versions she is named 'Enigma'. In 'Catwoman: Lonely City' he also has a daughter but hes long abandoned his supervilain alias.

Another change I see a lot is his apperance. The most common change id say are his hair color and style, if he has hair at all. Outfit changes are common too (duh), I would say his most seen looks would be the suit and spandex suit, both seen in the 1960s batman show. In 'New Adventures of Batman' from 1977 he is seen in the iconic spandex suit but in red instead of green. I would be amiss if i didnt mention what is in my opinion the most bizzare look for The Riddler, his 'The Batman' look. Based on the Zodiac Killer, wearing what looks like to be a military parka, cargo pants and a millitary cold weather mask to conceal his identity.

He has no set sexuality overall, most agree he is bisexual. In the Arkhamverse it is widely accepted (if not actually canon) he is Aroace, atleast Aromatic due to his third audio file found in 'Batman: Arkham Knight' he talks about how he doesn't understand romantic attraction and finds it disgusting. He doesnt get why Batman would have an affinity for Catwoman but understands its importance to using her as bait. In the comic 'Strange Love Adventures #1' the mini-story 'Dinner for Two' its confirmed The Riddler is bisexual. And in the 'Harley Quinn' show he is gay and married to Clock King.

Favorite Media Featuring The Riddler

  • Detective Comic Annual #8 may 1995
  • Batman: Zero Year #22-#33
  • Batman #23.2 (September 2013)
  • Batman: Riddler- The Riddle Factory
  • Year of the Villain: The Riddler
  • The Riddler: Year One (still haven't read the last issue)
  • The Brave and The Bold #183
  • Joker's Asylum II:The Riddler
  • Batman: the animated series
  • Young justice (ngl i havent watched the whole show)
  • Batman the audio adventures
  • Batman Unburied I did really like this audio series but I felt like the people making it were fans of edward x barbara which is maybe my least favorite riddler ship
  • Appreances I liked from medias I didn't like/felt unopinioned on

  • Batman killing time
  • Gotham
  • Stamps + Blinkies

    Ones I've Made

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